This is a Hackberry Emperor. It was the first, that I know of, I ever saw. And, as far as I can tell, I haven't seen one since. He certainly was obliging, sitting on the hood of my truck, patiently waiting for me to stop snapping. I wish I'd taken notes, as I can't remember exactly where I saw him. DS thinks it was on Wakulla Beach Road, but I thought Cow Creek Grade.

I've really been missing the butterflies visiting our yard, so finally broke down and bought another Butterfly Bush. It isn't the best looking specimen, but it should respond nicely to a little TLC. There's a really nice soaking (hopefully) rain going on out there right now, which should help. I hope it rains all night. Even though we've had several decent thunderstorms over the past few weeks, the creek is still pretty much dry as a bone. The weeds are coming along quite nicely, though. Maybe the Blue Curls will soonly revive, as well.
And now I think I'll let the raindrops lull me to dreamland.
Y'all have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^
i am impressed. such a beautiful butterfly and your photography is enviable.
i hope your butterfly bush does the job for you.
Thanks ever so, Meems! My yellow truck makes a really nice backdrop. 8-]
We had a butterfly bush next to the deck for 5-6 years, but something killed it last year. Every year we'd cut it back to nearly nothing and every year it grew back up to about 10-12 feet high. Between it and the porterweed, we enjoyed all sorts of pretty visitors. The new one looked a tad droopy today, but God watered it nicely for us this afternoon. 8-]
I was gonna tease about that yellow truck, but you were kind about my orange kitchen, so...
Great Bfly, I'm looking for blue curls too.
FC, go ahead and get it out of your system. Good Lord willin' and the crick don't rise, Ol' Yeller will be gone by the end of the month. *sniff, sniff* She's getting to be too expensive to feed. I'd love to trade her in on a Baja, but I think it'd eat just as much.
I have some blue curls volunteering in my rose garden, but no sign of flowers yet.
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