Ain't God good?! One thing after another kept getting in the way of my new camera purchase. I probably would have bought one a couple weeks back if I hadn't had to redirect those funds toward a new computer. I know, a fried modem hardly seems like grounds for a total replacement. But DS's 9yo Gateway was on its last legs, so I passed down that machine, complete with new modem. We're both tickled with the arrangement. I have to admit, though, Windows Vista has some infuruating quirks. Every now and then, the right click just stops working and I have to close everything or reboot. Go figger.
But I digress... Why am I so happy I was unable to buy a new camera before now? Fujifilm has finally jumped on the image stabilization bandwagon. And I want their new camera, coming out next month. Actually, it's a toss-up between the Fuji and Panasonic's Lumix DMC-FZ18, but I'm definitely leaning in Fuji's direction. I'll also be taking a look at the Olympus SP-550-UZ. It'll definitely be one of these three. Probably. 8-]
Meems, I found another good review site, if you don't have enough to absorb already. 8-}
Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^
Do The Work
3 years ago
thanks so much for all the great advice and links. i am eagerly shuffling through loads of information and reviews and ideas. i have so much to learn. keep us updated on your decision.
You might look at the Sony DSC-H9 unless you already ruled it out.It got a front cover super review on one of the digiphoto mags recently. I use the earlier DSC-H5 and am thrilled with it.
Not to complicate things :)
"It's got ..."
Meems, if you need an occasion, tomorrow is my anniversary... you can borrow it or my birthday later in the month. ;]
FC, I have to admit, I've been seduced by the other cameras' 18x zoom. However, I do like the H-9's infrared possibilities. Decisions, decisions.....
18X zoom! I don't blame ya'.
Happy anniversary!
happy anniversary, sophiemae.
i actually have one coming up next month i think is going to be the ticket for the camera - only i'm bidding for a new laptop too... maybe your b'day will work for that?? :-)
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