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30 July 2010

Florida Factoid Friday

In the 1960s, the National Association of Letter Carriers created the retirement community of Nalcrest (think about it) with affordable housing for its members. The Polk County community is home to more than 500 retired letter carriers.


SwampAngel65 said...

You got the challenge right (of course you did!).

I've never heard of Nalcrest before. Interesting!

R.Powers said...

My Dad is a retired letter carrier, who had the good sense to retire to his own home that he loves.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to retire to a community of people who did the exact same job they did all their lives.

Thanks for the factoid!

SophieMae said...

SwampAngel, I think I had heard of it years ago... maybe.

FC, ditto my FIL. Actually he retired from the Navy first... but I digress. Must be the same herding instinct that causes people entering an otherwise empty restaurant to sit right next to us. Go figger.