I love JESUS! I'm a 7th-generation Florida native, dyed-in-the-wool Southron belle. I just recently dusted off my genealogy notes and, thanks to a long-lost relative, nearly doubled the details. We started home schooling when only 'outlaws' did it and still enjoy a daily quest for knowledge. These days, the family spends a lot of time birding, butterflying, spending as much time in 'the woods' as possible while they're still here.
thas' eggsactly how I feels about spiders. Ain't open to tolerance whar' arachnids is concerned.
Sophie Mae, thanky fer yore comment on the Front Porch. Normally I try to take Jn 16: 33 as mah default mode, but the good cheer part is eludin' me these days.
How ya been? I mean, other than as ya stated on the Porch...
thas' eggsactly how I feels about spiders. Ain't open to tolerance whar' arachnids is concerned.
Sophie Mae, thanky fer yore comment on the Front Porch. Normally I try to take Jn 16: 33 as mah default mode, but the good cheer part is eludin' me these days.
How ya been? I mean, other than as ya stated on the Porch...
That is EXACTLY my move!
I call it the spider slappy is it on me is it on me dance.
I know that spider dance well! Cute one!
Aint B, I much prefer arachnids to rodants. *shudder* Life be so daily sometimes, knowwhutImeanVern?
FC, I figgered they modeled it after you. 8-]
SwampAngel, I think a lot of us are familiar with that one.
hwy..jes' a fly by to see what all y'all is up to...
YooHoo...anybody home? Where y'at, woman?
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