I love JESUS! I'm a 7th-generation Florida native, dyed-in-the-wool Southron belle. I just recently dusted off my genealogy notes and, thanks to a long-lost relative, nearly doubled the details. We started home schooling when only 'outlaws' did it and still enjoy a daily quest for knowledge. These days, the family spends a lot of time birding, butterflying, spending as much time in 'the woods' as possible while they're still here.
Wow, that photo is awesome. I've heard about Silver Springs, but we've never gone there. Sounds like a great 2 or 3 day mini-camping trip! :) I hope you had a wonderful New Years my friend!
WHOA, NELLIE! I'm so glad you chimed in so I could find you again! Yep, I finally joined the 21st century. 8-} What a difference!!! (There's an understatement if ever there was one.)
KATHY, we used to go there every year, but it got too expensive. Hey, I should look for coupons! I have one for everything else. 8-}
Wow, that photo is awesome. I've heard about Silver Springs, but we've never gone there. Sounds like a great 2 or 3 day mini-camping trip! :)
I hope you had a wonderful New Years my friend!
Hey, Sophie, I hear you have DSL. Yay!
WHOA, NELLIE! I'm so glad you chimed in so I could find you again! Yep, I finally joined the 21st century. 8-} What a difference!!! (There's an understatement if ever there was one.)
KATHY, we used to go there every year, but it got too expensive. Hey, I should look for coupons! I have one for everything else. 8-}
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